Weed Identification: Know Your Weeds For Better Eradication

If you’re interested in growing a thriving veggie garden in your own yard, learn tips for preparing the space and planting seeds.

Weed Identification: Know Your Weeds For Better Eradication

6 February 2016
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Weeds seem to grow in almost any situation and sometimes seem impossible to get rid of. Each type of weed has its own characteristics and different weeds need different weed killers to properly eradicate them. This brief guide will introduce you to a few tricks that will help you get rid of these weeds. 

Broadleaf Winter Annuals

Broadleaf winter annuals begin growing in the winter months, continue to grow as the weather warms up and then reproduce and die off at the end of the spring months. They tend to flourish in sparsely populated turfs, so a great proactive way to combat such weeds is to make sure that your turf is dense, vigorous and is used to experiencing activity. Some examples of broadleaf winter annuals include buttercups, which grow in small clumps and produce yellow petals, as well as the large hope clover, which produces short, hairy stems and clover shaped leaves. The best way to get rid of these weeds is to use a specialized broadleaf herbicide.

Broadleaf Summer Annuals

Broadleaf summer annuals are, of course, much like their brethren the broadleaf winter annual. However, unlike the winter annuals, summer annuals germinate in the summer months, then continue to live on through autumn and usually die and reproduce at the end of winter. Just like the winter annuals, broadleaf summer annuals flourish in wide open, sparsely populated turfs, so being proactive requires a dense, vigorous turf. Examples of broadleaf summer annuals include spotted surge, which tend to grow in large mats and grow low to the ground, as well as carpetweed, which grows against the ground in thin grass. One of the best herbicides to use against broadleaf summer annuals are herbicides that block seeds from germinating, which stops the spread of these weeds.

Broadleaf Perennial Weeds

Broadleaf perennial weeds can come in many different forms, but chickweeds and Canadian thistles are probably two of the most common types of perennial weeds. Unlike the annuals, broadleaf perennial weeds can flourish in any given environment, from temperatures ranging from tepid to the extreme. They grow in the same sort of environment that the annuals do. Getting rid of perennials is a bit more difficult than getting rid of the annuals, but specialized herbicides with Dicamba tend to do the trick.

Grassy Winter Annuals

Grassy winter annuals usually appear in the form of crabgrass and bluegrass. These pesky weeds tend to have hairy foliage and a split down the middle with one leaf usually bent. As you probably surmised from the name of the weed, grassy winter annuals germinate in the winter months and then continue to grow throughout the warmer months, reproducing and finally dying in autumn. Herbicides that you use during the summer months, such as benafin and prodiamine tend to work equally as well on grassy winter annuals. To learn more, speak with a business like Mr Green Thumb.

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Grow Your Own Vegetable Garden at Home

Adding a veggie garden to your property is a great way to increase its overall value, improve your home’s curb appeal, and save some money throughout the year thanks to all the free food that you can expect to receive from it. I’ve been growing a vegetable garden for more than five years now, and I harvest enough food to share with the neighbors. They love my squash and tomatoes! If you’re interested in growing a thriving veggie garden in your own yard, spend some time on the pages of my blog and you will find all sorts of valuable tips and tricks that will help ensure that any effort you make toward planting a personal garden is worth it.
