3 Important Maintenance Tips For Your New Sprinkler System

If you’re interested in growing a thriving veggie garden in your own yard, learn tips for preparing the space and planting seeds.

3 Important Maintenance Tips For Your New Sprinkler System

29 April 2016
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

If you want to have a green lawn, installing a sprinkler system can be a good investment. There are even automated controls that can help with watering restrictions and choosing the best days to water your lawn. Even with all the features you add to your sprinkler system, it will still need maintenance to ensure it works properly and does not cause damage to the plumbing in your home. This can include weatherization during the winter and servicing during the spring. Here are some tips to help you with the main maintenance needs of your sprinkler system:

1.  Weatherizing Your Sprinkler System For The Winter Months

One of the most important things that you need to do to your sprinkler system is weatherize it in the winter months. This can include turning the service off to the system, as well as removing the backflow prevention device. This needs to be done to prevent water from freezing and damaging pipes or sprinklers. In addition, the water will need to be removed from the pipes when this is done.

2. Preparing Your Sprinklers In Spring And Inspecting Them For Damage

In the spring, you will be ready to prepare your sprinkler system. This can include reinstalling the backflow prevention device, as well as checking for damage that was caused over the winter. You will want to check connections and valves, as well as the sprinklers. After it is prepared, turn the system on to see if any of the sprinkler heads need to be repaired or replaced. If there are any sprinkler heads that do not come up, try moving them to see if they are just stuck or you can completely replace them.

3. Some Of The Common Repairs That Your Sprinkler System May Eventually Need

The most common repairs that need to be done with a sprinkler system is replacing heads, which eventually wear out or get damaged by garden equipment like lawnmowers. This is usually a simple task, which involves unscrewing the old head and replacing it with another one. Another problem that you may have to deal with is valves sticking on a backflow prevention device, which can be repaired by a professional sprinkler service.

These are some tips to help you with the main maintenance needs of your sprinkler system. If you need help with maintenance of your landscaping irrigation or want to have sprinklers installed, contact a landscaping service, such as Campbell's Nurseries & Garden Centers Inc, to ensure your sprinklers are ready for the nice weather.

About Me
Grow Your Own Vegetable Garden at Home

Adding a veggie garden to your property is a great way to increase its overall value, improve your home’s curb appeal, and save some money throughout the year thanks to all the free food that you can expect to receive from it. I’ve been growing a vegetable garden for more than five years now, and I harvest enough food to share with the neighbors. They love my squash and tomatoes! If you’re interested in growing a thriving veggie garden in your own yard, spend some time on the pages of my blog and you will find all sorts of valuable tips and tricks that will help ensure that any effort you make toward planting a personal garden is worth it.
